“Even if this country doesn't turn into a full-blown oligarchy, ordinary people like us will feel the trickle-down effects of misogyny. When political leaders express contempt for women's autonomy or dismiss their concerns, it creates what sociologists call a ‘permission structure’ for similar behavior at every level of society.” —
Jo-Ann Finkelstein, PhD
Not necessarily a distinct stressor itself, rather, a cultural poison that could be visualized as an overlay on the map, flaring up the severity of nearly every stressor from healthcare access/experience to mental load to workplace tension. Misogyny feeds into social narrative and access to social services. It affects financial stability and sleep. It even affects the way women access time for stress reduction by enforcing the cultural narrative that women’s time is less valuable.
When I have talked about overlays on the stressor map up to this point, it always came up in the context of opportunities in the stress—>health conversation – how broad policies, culture shift, etc, improve health. Paid leave is my favorite example of an overlay. Having access to paid leave – for childbirth recovery, infant care, family caregiving, etc. – relieves the pressure off of stressors across the map. As an overlay, paid leave is a key opportunity to reduce the disproportionate stress load that falls to women and mothers while also reducing stress for all parents and family caregivers.
Misogyny is not that kind of overlay.
The misogyny overlay adds weight to the stress load across the map. Another view of how stress disproportionately affects women. It is why we need to consider the gendered nature of stress and the effects on health, at an individual and public health level. Now, more than ever because misogyny (at least the outward expression of it) is on the rise.
Jo-Ann Finkelstein: Eyes Wide Open: How Women's Vigilance Could Spark Change
Christopher Pepper — Teen Health Today Substack
Katherine Goldstein’s How to Find Your People Club
Shannon Watts: Breakup with the Manosphere
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