The is the very first non-pod for
- a deep exploration of the stress related to modern American motherhood and the solutions that actually address those stressors and improve women’s health.Ok, so, this is not really a podcast. I don’t have a cool intro or any music whatsoever and there is ZERO production value. It’s really, just me, Molly, reading Maternal Stress Project Substack pieces (with a bit of added flair) each time one goes out so that you have an option of absorbing the material through your ear holes. Which is why I’m going with non-pod as a way of describing the audio version that also happens to show up in a podcast tab + feeds.
This week — A (Belated) Year In Review — is a where we left off and what’s coming up type of post to kick off the year. Starting with a bit of gratitude.
Find the written version here —
All links referenced in the audio can be found in here.
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